

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pee is for Pythagorean

So I'm sitting in a meeting today at work and we're trying to troubleshoot a hardware issue. There's one guy at a wall that's got whiteboard wallpaper along the whole thing. He's scribbling block diagrams all over the place and we're talking about RF input, bla, bla, bla, down conversions, harmonics and oh my gosh, baby starts kicking! Okay, keep focused this is important stuff, Nyquist zone, bla, bl....oh gosh I have to pee REALLY bad and baby is kicking....okay, I will just get up and say I'll be back. These guys should get that we've been sitting here for almost two hours and I've gone through my entire water bottle, right? Oh...wait, I don't have to go now. Okay, so back to test equipment set up, input frequencies...whoa...Peepee Emergency! Oh, wait, it's gone. OH, so this is the whole "baby is pushing on my bladder" thing pregnant people always go on about! Oh geez, it's back! Code RED Peepee emergency, highest threat level! Where's the nearest restroom? Can I make it? Oh, wait it's gone again.

1 comment:

  1. Ah...I remember those days...sitting in meetings and waiting for a good time to leave to pee. Once I had Zoe, it actually felt weird not to have to pee all the time. It's kind of nice. Although now, I have to worry about leaking a little because I can't quite hold it like I used to. ;) Bladder control just not the same. Remember to do your Kegels!
