

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oh ya, it's Mike's baby

33 weeks
People are so nice to pregnant people!  I dropped a jello box at the store and someone came over to pick it up before I could finish thinking about how to pick it up.  So many people have come up to me and just started talking to me, asking me questions, or making fat jokes (e.g. "lay off the beer, man").  Although, I'm still getting the "are you having twins" question quite a bit.  I will give them some credit because we had an ultra sound done and they estimated that the baby is 5 pounds!  The Internet indicates that he should have been 3 3/4 pounds.  This is going to be one healthy baby boy!  The woman doing the ultrasound was impressed at how well his hair showed up and said that he must have a lot of hair.  It showed up as little wispy tufts in the ultrasound.  It was crazy and more than amazing, it was crazamazing.  I think he's going to look like Mike, which I'm pretty happy about, in case there was any doubt that it's Mike's baby.  : )

Anyway, we did our first load of baby laundry!  I didn't know if all of it should be washed or just the newborn to 3 month old clothes, but if this baby is really 5 pounds right now, he will be wearing everything in the first month so I should wash all of it.  So, I washed all of it.

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