

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's like basting a turkey

39 Weeks
I have become morbidly obese.  My coworkers are surprised everyday I come to work.  One woman gasped last week when I turned sideways even though I didn't know who she was.  She apologized that she gasped.  I was so sure that I would have had the baby by now!  He's still in there and there are no signs that he's going to come out.  I know that he's going to come out one way or another, but there's a tiny piece of me that keeps thinking that he's going to stay in there.  I don't think that there are signs of anything happening.  I keep feeling little things here or there and swear that it's a sign, but then nothing happens.  For example, I'll get out ... or rather, roll out of bed and get a muscle pain and take in a big breath to exclaim, "Mike, it's time!".  But then I realize that it's just because I strained my muscles with my massive weight rolling out of bed <big exhale>.

The baby has been doing a new thing lately.  I'm not sure what exactly is going on in there and I'm not even sure I can explain the feeling, but I'll try because he seems to like doing it...a lot, especially to my left side.  This happens almost every day now.  If you watch the Food Network constantly like I do, especially around Thanksgiving, they show you how to do stuff to turkeys.  This feels like that thing they do where they put their hand between the skin and turkey meat and wiggle their fingers to separate the skin from the meat in order to put things like butter and herbs in there.  Yes, that's what it feels like, minus the butter and herbs.  I don't know if that's okay or not, or if he's really separating my skin from my muscle (what little muscle is left).  Ew.

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