

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hot Dogs and Breast Pumps

I had my first baby shower! It was my Phoenix region baby shower and it went smoothly and deliciously. I'm still excited about having a baby shower even though it already happened. I ate, played games, and opened presents for the baby. There were so many gifts for my baby! I was getting nervous about not having anything ready, but this started us off well. I got so excited seeing all the gifts. I'm really starting to get excited and realizing that this is going to happen soon. I mean, I know this is going to happen soon, but it's sooner than I thought. Before I got pregnant, I thought being pregnant would last a long time, but it's happening so fast. The thought of not eating a hot dog for 9 months seemed unbearable, especially when people started telling me that it's actuall 10 months, but I feel like its almost hot dog time! It's bitter sweet, I'll get a hot dog, but I won't have my little guy with me all the time. He keeps me company at work. Who am I going to talk baby talk to at work when he comes out?  I guess I can talk to my jar of peanuts.

Anyway, I love going through all my gifts.  I can't wait to organize it all. Poor Mike, he's surrounded by onesies and breast milk accessories.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A little vacation and a little elbow

Coeur D'Alene
Ah, I had a great Fourth of July vacation! We went to Coeur D'Alene for several days. It was chilly and overcast, which was totally awesome in comparison to the dry, hot, oven environment in Phoenix.


I usually run cold and I always have sweaters in my car. But now, I'm experiencing Phoenix through normal body temperatures and I do not like it. It's really hot here. Poor Mike, he runs hot and I'm only now understanding his arguments for lower A/C settings. Anyway, our vacation was great since it gave me a break from the heat, even though we came home to dirty, muggy, monsoon weather.
16 & Pregnant Prom Pose

We had a great time relaxing, playing games, eating, looking for chipmunks, hiking, boating, exploring an actual farm, and going to buy groceries for what seemed like many days.  We also got to watch fireworks and the main event was that Mike played in a 3-on-3 tournament in Spokane.  Their first game was against the team that actually won their bracket.  I wonder if mini-Mike is going to play basketball.  I know Panchita loves a little one on one with papa-Mike.

Mike gets some hang time

One morning, on this awesome vacation, I woke up and do my "flip to my other side" sequence.  I was on the part where I'm on my back, ready to start the roll to the opposite side, and the baby started moving.  Dang, I woke him up.  My belly button hurt A LOT, so I put my hand on it and there was an elbow sticking out of it.  I looked down and noticed my belly button was super-ultra-extreme-outty.  No, it wasn't just an outty, it was an inside outty.  I had a small freak-out.  It's just not normal.