

Monday, December 10, 2012


I can't remember the labor all that well now, but I totally remember the surgery.  I hope I go through that thing that happens to moms that makes them forget the labor and delivery so I forget the c-section.  It wasn't bad, it was just scary.  I was wheeled into the room and there where two things I remember seeing, the clock and a rack with cubbies labeled with medical items in them.  There was a sign on it that said something about not closing the patient up until all the cubbies have their proper medical item returned to it.  I think that made me feel better.

The room was really cold and that together with my hormones going crazy and being scared out of my underware, I was shaking like crazy.  I could feel all of the tugging and movements, but none of the pain.  I was terrified, but there really wasn't anything to be scared of.  I just didn't know what to expect and I wasn't at all prepared to have surgery.  They brought Mike into the room and had him walk by my open body.  They sat him down on my side of the blue curtain that blocked my view of my chest down.  We hung out and then a while later, out of no where, they told Mike to stand up and see his new baby.  He barely had time to stand up before they whisked the baby away, at which point I completely forgot why I was there and was completely consumed with myself.  It didn't register that they had just taken the baby out.  It was like I was there for unrelated reasons.  It was strange.  Mike was taken with the baby so I was by myself.  I have no clue where Mike went or what he was doing at this time.  I should ask him.  I was lying there waiting for a while for them to put me back together.  Hum, I can't seem to remember anything about this part.  I don't think I remember getting wheeled out. I just remember waking up in the little curtain area for recovery.  Once again, I didn't know I had a baby at this point.  I remember seeing my Mike and my mom.  Someone handed me the baby to nurse him and to get my one-on-one time with him.  I sort of remember looking at him, but not really.  I remember being really happy about breast feeding him.

My memory cuts to being wheeled to my room, after that, I don't know what happened.  At different points in time, people would come to visit.  I could hear them, but their voices weren't coming from their mouths, it was like people were just sitting in front of me and there was a speaker in the ceiling that their voice came out of.  I must have been heavily drugged.  There was a lot of fuzziness and loopiness.

I do remember seeing the baby with a gigantic club on his hand.  They had wrapped his hand because his little IV thingy was snagging on things.  It looked so sad.  He had to get antibiotics because I had infections.  He wasn't strong enough to control his wrapped hand, so it was all over the place and his little fingers were smashed and stuck in the same position the whole time.  Poor thing!  When they took the wrap off, his hand kept floating into the air.  I assume without the weight and bulk, his hand just kept moving up.  It was kind of funny in a really sad way.

I went into the hospital on Sunday, had the c-section on Monday, and was discharged on Thursday.  In my head, it was more like, I went in on Monday, had the baby, and then two days later, I was discharged.  I think I was with it by the time Wednesday came around.  I got to eat broth and apple juice.  Yay.  Nurses, doctors, volunteers, people taking my vitals, people taking the babies vitals, people cleaning, people with form after form to fill out where all in and out of the room.  Everything is a blur and I don't remember anything that any of them told me.

Anyway, I'm glad we made it out alive with an extra little dude!