

Friday, September 21, 2012

Leg, punching bag... same thing

It's official, I'm gigantic.  No, like, really big.  When I sit, my Budda belly pushes against my legs.  I think there's so much belly pressure against my legs that the baby starts punching my legs to tell me that I'm squishing him.  What the heck?  I didn't know that was possible.  People at work really want to rub my belly, but once the get within an inch or so, they switch to a hover around a crystal ball movement.

It's not so bad, but besides not eating hot dogs, the sleepless nights, and my new kankles, it's pumpkin latte time and I'm missing out.  I'm kind of sad.  I stood in front of the pumpkin latte poster eating it with my eyes like I do every morning at work with the doughnuts in the cafeteria at work.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monkeys and the Mechanical Engineer

I had my Tuscon region baby shower!  The baby got so many gifts and little clothes.  There were cute little monkey decorations and great cake.  I may have accidentally ate 3 pieces of cake.  It wasn't all at once, it was kind of over several hours, and besides, I'm pregnant so it's totally okay.  I went through all the baby gifts and organized them and then re-organized them.  Mike put a bunch of stuff together and it didn't take him long at all.  I think he liked putting it all together : ).  So, I think we're all set now!  I'm pretty sure we're ready, but I don't really know since I've never done this before.  There are some more things I'd like to get done, but they're not "need to do" type of things.  But, I'm so big now that I don't think I could do any of them very easily anymore.  I'm so big that a girl at the checkout said that she was pregnant with 6 pound twins and she said that she wasn't as big as me.